To learn more about owning a Jiffy Lube, please visit the "Own A Jiffy Lube" and submit the information on the form.
You can quickly locate a Jiffy Lube® location near you by clicking on the Find A Location link at the top of every page.
Jiffy Lube Signature Service® Oil Change is a preventative maintenance program that takes just a few minutes. The cost of this service depends on your vehicle type and which region of the country you live in. Please contact your local Jiffy Lube® to find out the exact pricing. For contact information, use the "Find A Location" link at the top of every screen.
Jiffy Lube Canada is a division of Shell Canada Products. If you'd like to contact Jiffy Lube Canada, simply write or call Shell Canada Products, or fill out the feedback form. If your communication requires a response, a customer service representative will contact you within 48 to 72 business hours.
To find out the exact hours of operation for your local Jiffy Lube®, use the "Find A Location" link at the top of every screen
To contact Jiffy Lube in Canada, please visit "Contact Us", and submit the information.
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